segunda-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2009

Ramiro Marques arrasa relatório da OCDE mas que afinal não é bem da OCDE

Vale a pena consultar a excelente desconstrução que o Ramiro Marques faz, no seu blogue ProfAvaliação, do relatório hoje vindo a público com pompa e circunstância para branquear as políticas educativas do governo.

Além das questões de substância, atente-se num dos posts sobre o assunto, de Abílio Carvalho:

"Chamo a atenção para o equívoco que a Comunicação Social tem divulgado. O estudo não é da OCDE. É desenvolvido por um grupo de peritos "liderado por Peter Matthews" e segue os critérios ("metodologia e abordagem") da OCDE. E foi solicitado pelo ME, que, para abonar a credibilidade, assegura que foi elaborado por uma equipa de peritos internacionais de independentes (para quê referir expressamente "independentes"?!). E baseia-se nas informações fornecidas pelo ME.

Tudo isto se lê na página de rosto do ME, de que transcrevo o seguinte: "Solicitado pelo Ministério da Educação (ME), este estudo corresponde a uma avaliação intermédia, realizada durante a fase de implementação das reformas, com o objectivo de verificar se as medidas desenvolvidas estão a atingir os resultados previstos e se as estratégias adoptadas devem ser ajustadas em função da experiência. Liderada pelo professor Peter Matthews, esta avaliação seguiu a metodologia e a abordagem que a OCDE tem utilizado para avaliar as políticas educativas em muitos países-membros, ao longo dos anos, com resultados positivos".
Abílio Carvalho

Vê mais no blogue ProfAvaliação

1 comentário:

  1. Arrsa ou está à procura de se justificar?

    “O estudo não é da OCDE. É desenvolvido por um grupo de peritos "liderado por Peter Matthews" e segue os critérios ("metodologia e abordagem") da OCDE”, diz Ramiro no post “O Relatório dito da OCDE foi encomendado e pago pelo Governo. Mais uma manobra do propagandista mor da República!” de Segunda-feira, 26 de Janeiro de 2009. E nos outros, mais os comentários que o secundam, denigrem a credibilidade, a justeza da escola desta equipa.

    Só para terem uma ideia do estatuto de Peter Matthews na OCDE:,3400,en_2649_201185_1_1_1_1_1,00.html

    International Conference on School Leadership Development Strategies- Documentation- 4 MATTHEWS Victoria (Australia) System wide leadership - OECD Case study - Peter Matthews, Hunter Moorman, Deborah Nusche

    Agenda: Final Conference on Improving School Leadership, 14-15 April, Copenhagen, Denmark
    Improving School Leadership: Case Studies and Concepts for Systemic Action Beatriz Pont, OECD Peter Matthews, Institute of Education, University of London Christopher Day, School of Education, University of Nottingham

    This Country Note for Germany forms part of the OECD activity Attracting, Developing and Retaining Effective Teachers. This is a collaborative project to assist teacher policy development for improving ...
    Attracting, Developing and Retaining Effective Teachers - Country Note for Germany
    Gábor Halász, Paulo Santiago, Mats Ekholm, Peter Matthews and Phillip McKenzie
    September 2004

    OECD Recommends Reorientation of Teacher Policy in Germany
    Members of the review team included Dr Paulo Santiago (OECD); Dr Gábor Halász (Director General, National Institute of Public Education, Hungary); Dr Mats Ekholm (Director General, National Agency for School Improvement, Sweden); Dr Peter Matthews (Head of Inspection Quality, Office for Standards in Education, United Kingdom); and Dr Phillip McKenzie (OECD).

    School leadership development strategies: Building leadership capacity in Victoria, Australia
    A case study report for the OECD activity Improving school leadership
    by: Peter Matthews (Rapporteur) Hunter Moorman Deborah Nusche December 2007

    International Conference on School Leadership Development Strategies- Documentation- OECD ISL Leadership Development Conference programme Dublin 7-8 November

    Integrating leadership development in the broader policy context Many countries have introduced new school leadership preparation and professional development programmes, but have not integrated them into the broader educational policy frameworks. This session aims to provide examples of coherent approaches that combine training for school leaders within broader leadership and school improvement agendas. Chair: Paddy Flood, LDS (Republic of Ireland) Presentation: "The Victorian School Leadership Strategy", Peter Matthews (Rapporteur of the OECD case study visit to Victoria, Australia), Visiting Professor, Institute of Education, University of London Country roundtable: England: Laura Cunningham, Head of School Leadership Policy Team, Department for Children, Families and Schools Geoff Southward, Deputy Chief Executive, National College for School Leadership (NCSL) New Zealand: Darren Gammie, Team Leader, Effective Leadership, Ministry of Education Norway: Per Tronsmo, Director, The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training Slovenia: Andrej Koren, Director, National School for Leadership in Education

    E um livro:
    Enseignement et compétences
    2008, vol. 2008, no. 8, pp. 1 - 279
    Improving School Leadership: Volume 2: Case Studies on System Leadership (Edition complète - ISBN 9264033084 - Fr. à paraître)
    Code OCDE: 912008031E1
    This book explores what specialists are saying about system leadership for school improvement. Case studies examine innovative approaches to sharing leadership across schools in Belgium (Flanders), Finland and the United Kingdom (England) and leadership development programmes for system improvement in Australia and Austria. As these are emerging practices, the book provides a first international comparison and assessment of the state of the art of system leadership.

    -Executive Summary-Chapter 1. Introduction-Chapter 2. Realising the Potential of System Leadership by David Hopkins-Chapter 3. Leadership as the Practice of Improvement by Richard F. Elmore-Chapter 4. The Finnish Approach to System Leadership by Andrew Hargreaves, Gabor Halasz and Beatriz Pont-Chapter 5. The English Approach to System Leadership by Stephan Huber, Hunter Moorman and Beatriz Pont-Chapter 6 The Flemish (Belgian) Approach to Systems Leadership by Christopher Day, Jorunn Moller, Deborah Nusche and Beatriz Pont-Chapter 7. Building Leadership Capacity for System Improvement in Victoria, Australia by Peter Matthews, Hunter Moorman, and Deborah Nusche-Chapter 8. Building Leadership Capacity for System Improvement in Austria by Louise Stoll, Hunter Moorman, and Sibylle Rahm-Chapter 9. Approaches to System Leadership Lessons Learned and Policy Pointers by Beatriz Pont and David Hopkins

    Julgo que chega para contrapor a ideia feita e divulgada de que é um estudo sui generis, feito num dia que apenas serve os intuitos do momento.
